Lifeboat, Dahling!
The Bookworms
Cinderella Skeleton
Teen Santa
Predictable Heart
The Brothers Grimm & A Showgirl
Summer Theatre Camp
The Wizard of Oz (Sort Of)
Super Groovy Aladdin
The Little Dog Laughed
The Groovy Ghoulies
Glitz! The Little Miss Christmas Pageant Musical
Spring Camp: Samantha Smartypants & the Great Cupcake Caper
Glam Kitty Squad
Summer Theatre Camp
The Ethel Mermaid
Fee Fi Fo Fum
The Great Cinnamon Bear Christmas Radio Show
Teen Theatre: Godspell Jr.
Spring Camp: Louise The Big Cheese
Pirate Schmirate!
Summer Theatre Camp
Snow Dude!
The Wizard of Oz (Sort Of)
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory Outlet Store
Beauty and the Beast (Sort Of)
The Theatre Games I
The Wicked Witch of the West: Kansas or Bust!
Christmas at Santa Claus Station
Teen Theatre: Xanadu Jr.
The Brothers Grimm & A Showgirl
April Camp: Rocko & Spanky Go To A Party
Cinderella Italiano!
Summer Theatre Camp
Phantom Mouse of the Opera
Jungle Book, Abridged
Cinderella Skeleton
Regally Blonde
The Theatre Games II
Christmas Cookies! The Musical
Teen Theatre: Zombie Prom
April Camp: The Ethel Mermaid
Fast Times at Mermaid High
Summer Theatre Camp
Snow White & The Several Dwarfs
Glam Kitty Squad
Mummy, Dearest
Summer Teen Theatre: Into the Woods Jr.
The Bewitchingly Scrumptious Mister Trick & Mrs. Treat
The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus
Teen Theatre: Starmites
April Camp: Punk Skunks
Noni Cimino's Kitchen
Summer Theatre Camp
Little Red Ridin' Boots
Louise The Big Cheese
The Further Adventures of the Ugly Stepsisters
Super Groovy Aladdin
Summer Teen Theatre: Urinetown
How To Be A Good Witch
School For Elves
Teen Theatre: Go-Go Beach
Italian Wedding Soup
Summer Theatre Camp
Beauty and the Beast (Sort Of)
The Alice in Wonderland Show
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory Outlet Store
Summer Teen Theatre: Young Frankenstein
Beat Bugs: A Musical Adventure
Glitz! The Little Miss Christmas Pageant Musical
Teen Theatre: Bubble Boy
POW! Festival: "Kingdom” and “Snip, Snap, Snute!”
The Waffle House Five
Summer Theatre Camp
Cinderella Pepperoni
Jurassic Mark
The Wizard of Oz (Sort Of)!
Summer Teen Theatre: Cry-Baby
The Wicked Witch of the West: Kansas or Bust
The Gingerbreads of Broadway
Christmas Cocktails
Teen Theatre: Pippin
Checking in on Charles (Postponed)
Pantochino Curbside: Little Lily Lollipop
Summer Theatre Camp
Pinocchio (Sort Of)
Regally Blonde
The Sweet Life of Hansel & Gretel
Jungle Book, Abridged
Summer Teen Theatre: The Drowsy Chaperone
Special Event! Happy Haunts Hollow, A Drive-Through Experience
Special Event! Christmas Countdown
Happy Haunts Hollow
Live! On Stage: James and the (sort of) Giant Peach
Live! On Stage: The Alice in Wonderland Show
Pantochino’s Christmas Countdown
Teen Theatre: Runaways
Live! On Stage: Snow White & Some Dwarfs
Live! On Stage: Super Groovy Aladdin
Summer Theatre Camp:
Glam Kitty Squad
Jack and the Beanstalk and Zombies
The Ethel Mermaid
Summer Teen Theatre: The SpongeBob Musical
The Rocky Horror Show
Live! On Stage: The Wizard of Oz (Sort Of)
Live! On Stage: Cinderella Skeleton
The Littlest Christmas Tree
Teen Theatre: Bat Boy, The Musical
Checking in on Charles
As Long As We’re Talking
Summer Theatre Camp:
The Three Wizardly Pigs
Cinderella 1972
Mummy, Dearest
Little Red Ridin’ Boots
Summer Teen Theatre: Grease
School Spirits!
The Rocky Horror Show
Pantochino’s Christmas Carol
Live! On Stage: Jurassic Mark
Teen Theatre: We Will Rock You!
And Away We Go!
Summer Theatre Camp:
Jungle Book (abridged)
Snow White, Fairest of the Mall
Beauty and the Beast (Sort Of)
James and the (Sort Of) Giant Peach
Summer Teen Theatre: The Prom
Panto of the Opera
Live! On Stage: Jack and the Beanstalk & Zombies
Christmas Cookies!
Teen Theatre: Chicago. Teen Edition
Live! On Stage: The Three Little Wizardly Pigs
The Executioner’s Wife
Summer Theatre Camp:
The Sweet Life of Hansel and Gretel
The Further Adventures of the Ugly Stepsisters
Summer Teen Theatre: Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Noni Cimino’s Kitchen
Live! On Stage: The Ethel Mermaid
Dorothy’s Christmas in Oz
Teen Theatre: Saturday Night Fever
Tiaras Over Teaneck
Live! On Stage: Glam Kitty Squad
Summer Theatre Camp:
The Wizard of Oz (Sort Of)
Pinocchio (Sort Of)
How to be a Good Witch
Cinderella Pepperoni
Summer Teen Theatre: The Addams Family